Book a Session

Clearing The Witch Wound





Friday October 25 @7:30pm~ Cobourg On

I'm ready to clear the witch wound

Have you ever felt the ancient fear of sharing your gifts, of letting your true magic be seen by the world?
Do doubt, shame, and the heavy weight of past lives keep you from stepping fully into your power?  
The Witch Wound is a deep, ancestral scar—a wound passed down through generations, woven into the fabric of our being.
It’s the fear that our magic is too much, too dangerous, too wild to be accepted. It’s the silence we’ve kept, the hiding of our gifts, and the shame we carry for who we truly are.  


But what if that wound could finally be healed?  


On October 25th we gather in the Clearing the Witch Wound Circle to release the chains of persecution, shame, and fear. We will venture into the Akashic Records to clear the ancient contracts and imprints that have kept your soul bound in lifetimes of silence.
The wounds of being unseen, unheard, and unaccepted have shadowed us for too long.  


Through a powerful guided meditation, we will unravel these implanted records, peeling back the layers of ancestral trauma and reclaiming the magic that is your birthright. Imagine how it will feel to stand fully in your power, without fear of judgment or persecution, and to be seen for the radiant, mystical being you truly are.  
This circle is not just about healing—it’s about awakening. It’s about remembering the deep wisdom and magic you’ve carried through lifetimes and releasing the energetic burdens that have weighed you down. It’s about stepping into your full divine essence, free from the fear that has kept you in the shadows.  
If you feel the call to heal, to rise, and to embrace your magic unapologetically, this is your moment.  
Date: October 25th at 7:30 PM  
Investment: $33  
Location: 25 Brook Rd N, Cobourg  
What will you discover when you finally clear the Witch Wound that has been holding you back? 🔮  

Cosmic Rewiring: Manifesting Beyond the Need for Control

Shift from controlling outcomes to allowing divine flow. In this class, we’ll dive deep into rewiring belief systems, blasting through self-sabotage, and releasing the grip of wanting things to manifest exactly as you expect. Learn how to align with cosmic energies and call in your manifestations with trust and ease, opening yourself to receiving in ways beyond your imagination.

Monday October 21st @8PM EST ~ZOOM

*If you would like to join this class, become part of The Healing Path Membership - Learn More.

We hosts spiritual-based circles & workshops via zoom as part of our membership. Please check the events on the Purple Moon Healing Group Facebook page to see topics. This is a great space for newly attuned reiki students to find individuals to practice reiki with. 


Ground Open Connect

Starting our day can be a little all over the place with working from home, getting kids ready for school, packing lunches…. Creating routine is key. Beginning our day ensuring that we are Grounded has been proven to help us focus, stay present and make better choices. We start by grounding ourselves in the here and now, opening hearts center and connecting with life force energy. We will follow with reiki & end with creating our own protection bubble along with an intention for the day. Join us for 30 minutes each Monday @ 9:30am SHARP.

Join The Healing Path Membership to attend this event weekly

Weekly Oracle Card Circle

Join us on your lunch hour for a free Oracle Card reading every Thursday at 11am EST on zoom. Please note your do not have to be a member to attend this event.

Join Free Oracle Card Circle

Pagan Christmas Market

A Christmas marketplace full of gifts and treats derived from ancient knowings & mama earth. 25 Brook Rd N, Cobourg









Join The Healing Hands Circle

What is Healing Hands all about?

It's an opportunity to practice. 

Maybe your new to spirituality, or just been Reiki atuned, or have a bunch of modalities that you never use and you want to use them more! Come out a practice on others. We have highly experienced coaches and mentors to help support the space. 

Even if you are well versed in metaphysics come out and learn from others.


25 Brook Rd N, Cobourg

Investment $15.00

(Unless you are a Healing Path Member- Your entry is Free.