Book a Session

Feeling a little out of sorts...

Join us for this grounding, centring, guided summer mediation.

Thursday August 15th @ 7:30pm ~ 75 minutesĀ 

Investment $15- In advance or at door. Register HERE in advance.

25 Brook Rd N. Cobourg ON

(Please pull all the way in when parking to ensure room for all)

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Father-line Lineage Clearing

Many have worked on clearing traumas and aspects of the Mother-line, but have you forgotten about the Father-line? Join us for a guided class to dig deep into the Father-line.

Monday August 12th @8PM EST

Interested in joining this class Join The Healing Path Membership~ See the perks HERE

Weekly Oracle Card Circle

Join us on your lunch hour for a free Oracle Card reading every Thursday at 11am EST on zoom. Please note your do not have to be a member to attend this event.

Join Free Oracle Card Circle

We hosts spiritual-based circles & workshops via zoom as part of our membership. Please check the events on theĀ Purple Moon Healing Group FacebookĀ page to see topics. This is a great space for newly attunedĀ reiki students to find individuals to practice reiki with.Ā 


Ground Open Connect

Starting our day can be a little all over the place with working from home, getting kids ready for school, packing lunchesā€¦. Creating routine is key. Beginning our day ensuring that we are Grounded has been proven to help us focus, stay present and make better choices. We start by grounding ourselves in the here and now, opening hearts center and connecting with life force energy. We will follow with reiki & end with creating our own protection bubble along with an intention for the day. Join us for 30 minutes each Monday @ 9:30am SHARP.

Join The Healing Path Membership to attend this event weekly

Galactic Reconciliation

So you've done a whole bunch of Akashic Record work and clapping the agreements and cords that you have made with many other humans in your human life times. But what about your souls other lifetimes in the cosmo's. Join us to learn more about galactic reconciliation.

Monday July 29th, 2024 @8PM EST.

Interested in joining this class Join The Healing Path Membership~ See the perks HERE








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Reconciliation with the

Dark Side

We all have that image of the devil or satan locked in our heads from t.v shows or movies. But the truth is not everything we think is "dark" really is. Join us for a meditation to clear the darkness.

Monday August 26th @ 8:00pm EST

Interested in joining this class Join The Healing Path Membership~ See the perks HERE

Yoni Steam & Womb Blessing

Experience the soothing and rejuvenating benefits of a Yoni Steam, a timeless ritual known to promote feminine wellness, balance hormones, and alleviate menstrual discomfort. Allow the gentle, herb-infused steam to cleanse and invigorate your sacred space, fostering a profound connection with your body and inner self. Join us for an intimate and sensual Yoni Steam & Womb Blessing, where we celebrate and honor the divine feminine within you. Indulge in this sacred ceremony and embrace the healing energies in a nurturing and supportive environment. Your journey to holistic wellness and self-love awaits.Ā 

This circle will consist of no more than 6-7 women. We will not be naked.Ā  We will be sitting in circle with towels/skirts for privacy.

Sunday September 15th @7PM ~ Cobourg On

2 Options

šŸŒŗ Borrow a Yoni Bench & Join Our Sacred Circle Register Here

šŸµļø Purchase a Yoni Bench & Join Our Sacred Circle Register Here