I'm Michelle founder of Purple Moon Healing Group

My Story
Hey, I’m Michelle! I grew up in Southern Ontario as a single child and one of two grandchildren.(really small Italian family, right?!) I have always loved my alone time. It was not until adulthood that I really ever thought about what it would be like to have a sibling. Maybe the reasoning for this is that I never felt alone. I had many imaginary friends when I was a kid. Now realizing that they were not so imaginary. . As I moved through my teens I had an aunt that was also very spiritual. She supported my thoughts and gifts.
My awakening really came when my marriage ended. This was not only the day all of the plates stopped spinning (I thought it was impossible for them all to stop at once without my life falling apart). This was the time of my rebirth. I was on this path to really figure out who I was as me alone. Not who I was with my husband. But who I really and authentically was in my soul. Meditation has become a daily practice. I spend time within a small circle. I was then attuned in Reiki 1 & 2. Nothing was ever the same again as this was a turning point that led to a deeper spiritual connection with Gaia/ Mother Earth. Then I began sharing my gifts with my closest friends.
I never intended on becoming a Reiki Master. Especially not a practitioner. But there was only so long that I could make excuses to spirit of not having enough time. Every corner I turned led me to the same path. I then surrendered. Since then I look back on her life with a deeper understanding of why she was led down this path. I now understand deep & true surrender. That’s how Purple Moon Healing Group was born. Since then, I have taken multiple courses on many modalities of healing & counseling. My most recent graduation is my Level 2 D-codes practitioner certification, where I learned to connect science & energy to make our multi-dimensional bodies whole again.
When you are connected to source, the universe has a funny way of ensuring you follow your pathā€¦